Thursday, December 13, 2007

Silly Rabbit

By Tuesday, only my left heel was hurting, so I made my return to exercise with a 30 minute ride on the stationary bike. No problems really. Wednesday, Christmas shopping (aka, still living in the glow of Sunmart, so I really didn't want to work out). Then came Thursday night and my first run.

I decided three miles at Memorial would do, with the simple goal of making each mile a little faster than the previous. The first mile was a little painful and quite slow to the tune of almost 11 minutes. In the second mile, the pain subsided a little, and I sped up a bit; about 10:15. Then my rabbit came by.

My rabbit was some random guy listening to his iPod, and running about a 8:40 mile. I decided I should go ahead and see what I had, so I started running behind him, keeping him within about 3o yards. It's a cruel world folks, rabbits must die, so after a half mile I started reeling him in, passing him with about two tenths of a mile to go. That mile ended up coming in at 8:08, which is certainly my fastest mile, outside of a 5k, in quite a while. It felt good to turn the legs over at a good pace.

By the end of the run, there were no pain or hot spots, and that still holds a couple of hours afterwards. I plan on running a somewhat longish (maybe 8?) mile run on Sunday morning.

Before that though is the HoustonFIT 21 miler. I'll be playing crossing guard, double checking for safe passage as running stream across the seven or so lanes at Main and Cherokee. That is, if the run happens. The forecast has the temp in the 30's (burrrrr) and rain, but not just any rain, Winter thunderstorms (oh hell no). Lightening, or a decent threat of it for such a long run, would cancel the event. However, I've got to prepare as if it will happen, so I'm going to do the natural thing; drink beer Friday. I haven't been able to enjoy a happy hour in a while, so that's first priority. As for the weather, I should be able to wrap/cover up and stay respectfully dry and warm. Looks like my Sunmart Tyvek jacket will get pimped earlier than I had thought!

Stay warm and dry my friends!

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