Thursday, October 18, 2007

Strange Tempo

Felix Run tonight. Young was there, first time I have seen her since Chicago; she finished the race (good for her) but actually ran past the guy who died, while he was still on the ground being tended to, and heard the EMTs ask, "Does he have a pulse?" Sad stuff.

There were only six of us running, and though we had no Felix, Raymond, the operator of the store, ran as well. Two minutes into the run, after some light hearted jawing with Amanda, Raymond promptly, and crisply I might add, slapped her on the butt. Nice advertisement ... "Come out to my running group, and I'll spank your tush!" Amanda is one of the more gregarious Yellow's I've ever met, but I wasn't expecting that. I had to stop once we got to the Memorial Loop because in all my Chicago gossip, I forgot to stretch; angry foot. A quick stretch, and I was making up ground on Amanda and Jason. Raymond was running behind them, made some kind of funny move, and almost fell on his face; went down to all fours! Didn't see that coming. I caught up with Young at the water fountain and we ran in. She almost tripped over a curb in front of the church. So to summarize, we've had a tush slap, a stop for a stretch, two experienced runners almost face planting, and I still had six lanes of traffic to cross. Strange times at the tempo run.

The crossing went without error, and my total time was around 37-38 minutes. The usual stretching ensued, more gossip was given, and Taco Bell was eaten. I then decided to waste away the night after that .... yep, that means I played SIMS2!

Now that I've played this game for a while, I realize that perhaps they've taken things too far. When I came across it, I was was quite disturbed/amused that they have a cut scene (a movie, in effect) for when two SIMS first do the deed (inoffensively named making WooHoo in the Sim universe). As the bed comes off the ground, and steam from under the sheets, I wouldn't advise trying this at home!

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