Friday, October 19, 2007

Manage Your Feeds

Today was a slow day. My work group is staffed correctly for the busy season (January - September), but a bit overstaffed for the slow months. So I decided to revisit Gmail Reader during my down time. For those of you that have Gmail (for the rest, what are you waiting for), you can find the reader tool under the more pull down at the top left. Reader easily pulls in feeds from blogs and various sources to give you one place in which to catch up on the worldly happenings and events of each day.

In setting up and reading the new and improved Reader, I came across a blog that resides at There's nothing terribly Earth shattering here, but none the less, this guy has a book deal in which he will parrots the same common sense wisdom that he uses on the blog! I think this shows that, for some reason, the average American is poor at handling money. To his credit, he does has a certain way with his prose that I find entertaining. Regardless of if he's a financial savant or just a good writer, his site is certainly worth a read; I think I spent a couple of hours on it today. Perhaps it's time for another financial post; with Comcast now not being so Comcastic (my bill increased $45!), managing the household budget seems a relevant topic.

Eight miles, maybe eleven, tomorrow morning at 5:45AM. The weather promises to be good, so I really hope for a good run. Sammy Haggar tomorrow night after the run, a farewell trip to the bar for a work friend (farewell Throck!), and a Texans' game through work Sunday; busy weekend in store. Be safe.

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