Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Making Lemonade

After months of left foot pain, I was able to heal it up in a matter of weeks (thanks to The Sock, and my nifty new insoles), and have a positive kick-off to my Houston Marathon training season. I need to repeat that process pretty quickly though, because my right foot seems angry now. In short, the heel itself and inner portion of the back of the foot are pretty angry. I was going to run tonight, but despite a couple attempts at stretching, I wasn't able to get enough comfort while jogging to make the commitment to a trip to Memorial. I am now actively Socking, icing, and day-time stretching the right foot; the left foot still seems healed. This could simply be an issue of compensation by my right foot or it could be my feet getting accustomed to the new insoles (only 35 miles in them so far).

Regardless, I am confident that I can heal up, and have a good showing at the 25k (one week from Sunday). If that happens, the running I do or do not do from now to then is pretty immaterial. It's good I think that, as I'll be in Auburn for most of tomorrow and Thursday, and unable to run even if the foot gets quickly on the mend! I'll be back on Friday, and hopefully ready for a good HoustonFIT run come Satruday morning. All in all, I'm keeping a fairly positive attitude, as it seems like if I can just get my feet well, I might be pain free for the first time in many, many months.

Ever wonder how the Houston housing markets inside the loop are fairing (I certainly have)? Boston Rob, the knower of many things real estate related, pointed me to this -> http://www.greenwoodking.com/images/pdf/marketreport9.pdf

Unless you had a townhome in Montrose, Fall 2006 to Fall 2007 was a decent time for home appreciation!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

The superfecta treatment of plantar fasciitis. You might also try upping your advil intake. If you take care of it, especially when it isn't bad, it can heal quickly. I cured mine in a few weeks 4 years ago and it hasn't come back.