Monday, July 28, 2008

Beating of my drum

Dear goodness! I'm in geek runner heaven!!! For the second run of the day, I actually figured out how to pair my heart rate monitor strap with my running watch (use that Computer Engineering degree, use it!) and thus was able, with the included software, to build this bad ass chart of pace versus heart rate:

My heart rate is in red, and my pace is in blue. Not surprisingly, when my pace slowed due to a road crossing and then two walk breaks, my heart rate plummeted. What is cool is I felt like the entire run was within a hot-humid but none-the-less comfortable zone, and my heart rate did hang out in the comfortable, yet hard working, mid 170s. I'm not exactly sure if I can use all this information proactively, or simply help to diagnose my runs and any problems that occur; time will tell. Regardless, I'm quite happy with my new toy. Bring on the distance, versus elevation, versus heart rate charts!!!

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