Thursday, May 22, 2008

Take a Hike

Wednesday I finished up my shock therapy (man did they hit me hard; my crusty little pinky toe was dancing every time the juice flowed) and received my orthotics. Though the podiatrist shafted me on my consultation appointment to discuss exactly how and when to wear the orthotics (thanks Doc), I know that I am to slooooowly transition my feet into them; start at one hour a day, and increase by one hour each day thereafter. I have a meeting with the podiatrist next Tuesday to discuss exactly how/when I am to wear my new toys.

I also have a decision about what kind of shoe I now want to run in. Despite the fact that a switch in shoe, a move to orthotics, and an end to heel pain (let's hope!) would mean I wouldn't know if the shoe or the orthotics helped, it still feels like a natural time to switch. The heel of the orthotic is very firm, plate-like some would say. For that reason I wonder if it really matters whether my shoes have a lot of control, as the foot will be staying in a biomechanically crisp position thanks to the orthotic. I will ponder, discuss with the doc, and do some relevant Google searching.

So a two hour hike with Melissa to Miller Outdoor Theatre tonight. Then three hours on Friday and so on. Running next week? Maybe, though not in the orthotics; I think I would run in my current shoes with the normal insoles, as I want to give my foot ample time to adjust before I start running. If I decide not to run the Race for the Pennant 5k (May 31st), then there's really no need to run next week (other than to preserve my waistline and keep my sanity ... sigh ... actually, the stationary bike is keeping me fairly sane).

Well that's it for the foot update kiddos. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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