Tuesday, April 8, 2008

25 and Counting

25 days to go until the Indy Mini Marathon. I know you're all on the edge of your seat wanting to know about the foot?!?

Well, the foot is improving, but it was starting in a much worse place than I had imagined. Attempts to do some impromptu jogging at the end of last week resulted in clear evidence that I had a much more limited range of motion while running than walking (too much pain/discomfort down inside the ankle).

At the Trolley Run 5k this Saturday, whilst waiting for Melissa, Lynette, and Jon to all PR for the second race in a row (congrats speedy people!), I did some light jogging and it was a no go; I really couldn't stride. With all that running, I had worked up a helluva appetite, so I did what you're not supposed to do; I ate the post race food even though I didn't run! The guilt felt so bad .... but the Chik-Fil-A tasted ohhhh sooooo gooooood! And to top off the haul of food, Melissa added to her collection of running hardware with a second place in her age division (only 2 seconds out of first place!). With hardware in hand, and full bellies, we all called it a day.

For the next two days, not much exercise and no attempt at running. Come Tuesday morning I decided to see how the fast people of the world do their training, so I joined Melissa at Memorial for some laps of the short, 400 meter loop. I walked two laps, ran one easy, walked two more, ran two easy, and then walked one easy. Two total miles there, and though my speed was pretty slow while running, I was pleased that I was able to run with something not to foreign from that of a normal gait. The icing on the cake was the 10 minute (almost one mile) cool down after the workout; though I think it was fairly slow, I was pleased to be able to continually run for one mile! I think this bodes well for me actually being able to run the Indy Mini.

In the past when I've had bad bruises, they have turned out to be quite "colorful". My body slowly breaks down the blood, and my pale skin allows a window unto which you can watch the carnage! This time is no different, though the colors on the top of my foot have been a bit subdued (for a brief day or so, my middle toe was raspberry red, but now it is back to "looks like you don't wash that toe" brown). Please don't pay attention to my gnarly little pinky toe (you may barf, it's kind of crusty), but here's a pic I took on day one of being without the boot. Visual proof of what I now hold dear ... FLAG FOOTBALL CAN SUCK IT! Take care kiddos.

1 comment:

FLgirl said...

See you at the finish line!! Remember to take the right (directional right, not 'correct') lane for you post run cool down/snack grab after you get your medal. I'll be at one of the last Gatorade stations, right before your picture can get taken. ;)