Thursday, March 20, 2008

R.I.C.E. R.I.C.E. Baby

I followed last Saturday's full return to the sports world with, well, a bit too much I think. Sunday I took my bike out to Memorial for a spin, Monday morning I rejoined the Luke's Bagel Run folks for a 3.6 mile run, and on Monday night I played the first two softball games of our season; come Tuesday I was beat! Even today (Thursday) I feel a bit of discomfort in my quads; it was too much too soon.

The big question is was the four week layoff worth it; is my foot holding up better than before? In short, I do think it is less painful, and quicker to recover than before, but it is not pain free. I was hoping for pain free, for my left heel to feel as good as my right, as I think that was the goal of the cortisone shots. I am going to try running with some shoe inserts again, but this time, I'm going to focus on thin, soft inserts that provide some, though not obtrusive, arch support. The inserts I used back in October were rigid, beastly things and as the doctor later advised me, my ankle anatomy will not tolerate such an orthotic. So I went to Luke's today and had a long conversation with a shoe guy; he was helpful, though a bit jaded about podiatrists. "I've had two cortisone shots but I fear they might not work", I said. "They never do," retorts Luke's shoe guy (LSG). LSG continued, "I bet the doctor wants to cut you, right?" No, was the answer, but I navigated LSG back onto my attempt to find an orthotic that would help before my heel becomes chronic again. After trying a couple of inserts in my shoes, I left with what met the bill; a thin, more so cushioned that supported insert that will give a little lift to my arches.

LSG said what I probably needed was what runners are never willing to give; more rest. Well LSG, I think I can give you that thanks to football!

Instead of taking my new inserts for a spin at Memorial, I decided to help out our co-ed football team and play with them tonight. To cut to the drama, I was chasing a guy early in game one and I suppose I caught a cleat on my left shoe awkwardly in the ground. Ankle twisted, three "pops" were felt and heard, and then the pain started as I hit the ground.

Needless to say, that was the end of my night! Thankfully I was able to at least contribute to the team with a little sideline defensive coordination, and the team squeaked out a three point win. Knowing I needed to ice (Rest Ice Compress Elevate) my foot, I popped my second Advil of the night and headed home.

(r)Ice (r)Ice Baby!

It's human nature to think that the popping I heard/felt was tendons and various fibrous bits 'o Keith's left ankle shredding themselves; that's probably not the case though. Likely I felt tendons/ligaments moving over bone as they were being streeeeetched for all they were worth. I had a real bad sprain playing tennis many years ago, and I think this one may not be as bad. Probably a two week'er; certainly no running this weekend. Thankfully I have an ankle sleeve which makes for an excellent compressor and am taking the best care of it I can tonight. The swelling has already started above my ankle; doctors advise that you've got 24 hours to halt / reduce the swelling before it sets in for the long haul.

I really had no intentions of playing football tonight, and don't even consider myself a real part of the team, so you might think I'm bitter; I'm not. They did need my help, and I could just as easily rip something up playing softball, or even ping pong at work! If you play, you may get hurt, that's just the way it goes. It is a bit discouraging that the already beaten up foot now has to endure another injury; I like to spread mine around when possible!

So to LSG, you get your wish, looks like my four week layoff from running will be more like six or so weeks after all!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Good God man! Popping is never good. That's bad luck. I can feel your pain though. My heel took a beating last night. I hate limping around.