Sunday, March 23, 2008

Muffin Man

"Do you know the Muffin Man?"

It's not just a fun quote from Shrek 2 folks, it's now a question I can answer in the affirmative; I know the Muffin Man, and he's baking a muffin .... in my left ankle! My sprain from Thursday has plumped up nicely, with the bottom of my ankle muffin looking a touch burned due to the blood settling out. The general consensus is I should go to see my doctor "just in case", and though I am a bit reluctant due to what I suspect the treatment will be (immobilization, anti-inflammatory, come back in a week), I think I will go. An x-ray confirming that my bones are still as the good lord made them, and hopefully an opinion that I haven't done ligament damage, would provide some peace of mind.

After two days of compressing the muffin, I have decided to let it out of it's pan so it can grow as it wants. I figure at this point all I'm doing is pushing swelling around, which is not going to help it heal, and besides, that kind of hurts! Since I've let it free it's been feeling much better and I can even walk, at a very slow speed, with something similar to a normal gait (no more peg-leg-pirate-like walking for me!). Needless to say though, I will not be taking part in tomorrow morning's Luke's Bagel Run or in our softball games. Suck!

Most of Saturday was beach time, as quite a few folks headed down to Galveston to party it up at a beach house Leon had rented out. It was still too early in the season for much frolicking in the water, but the weather was good so it was nice just to sit out on the beach. I felt bad about not being able to help Leon clean up this morning, but my muffin has proven to be stiff first thing in the morning, so I didn't feel like hiking up the stairs to the kitchen and main living area.

The best time of year for outings like this is upon us, as we have about a two month window before the weather becomes oppressively hot. Hopefully I'll find some ways to take advantage, and hopefully my muffin won't be an issue by then!


Jonathan said...

I tend to agree. The doctor is probably going to tell you that it's a bad sprain. But it never hurts to be sure. Especially since you have a big run in 6 weeks.

FLgirl said...

Is all this torture you tell us about your body going through worth the running you do????