Friday, October 26, 2007

Houston Goals

3.9 mile Felix run on Thursday, my last run before Sunday's half. Only five people ran (we were Felix'less once again), but my times were pretty good since Coach Robert was leading the way, and his fast first mile helped to pull me to a fast pace early. The middle miles are the only ones I can time, and they were 9:15 and 9:28.

I was thinking about my goals for this weekend's half. Compared to the Alaska half in June, the weather and my fitness were better for Alaska, but the course is better (err, I mean easier, of course) in Houston. I figure that will lead me to some decent early times, but I might flag a bit late (esp. on those last two blasted Allen Parkway underpasses!). I had a total time of 2:05 in Alaska, and I always try to keep my times under 2:10, so I expect I can pull off something between 2:05 and 2:10. If things go really well, maybe I can give my Austin time from this year, a 2:03, a shot. It looks like the remnants of the "Yellow Blob" running group will be running together, so that will probably help me to keep an honest pace. And after that honest pace, oh yeah, I'll get my medal! Pasta party tonight, lazy on Saturday, run on Sunday. Have a good weekend!

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